Golden Jubilee Book ADPCN: Golden Years of Leadership in Nursing Education

This golden jubilee book of the Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing, entitled “ADPCN: Golden years of Leadership in Nursing Education” relates its history and the organizational development, and the issues, concerns, and challenges its faces through the years. This book opens for the reader – whether a member of ADPCN, a nursing student whose life was touched by ADPCN, or anyone interested in the nursing profession – a vast reservoir of courage, strength, and wisdom – traits that are necessary to become an excellent nursing practioner. Written by nursing leaders and outstanding educators, this book ensures that the readers will learn many lessons from the various experiences and discourse presented herein. In particular, they will lear the hows and whys of the issues in nursing education locally and globally. It is a must-read book for everyone who wants to discover how to shape the future of nursing and manage it. The nuring philosophy resounded in this book is, of course, SERVICE TO FILIPINO .
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (Resource Manual & Workbook/Chart Booklet)

The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) as a strategy deals with the management of common childhood illnesses done in an integrated manner to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with the major causes of childhood illnesses. It was introduced in the Philippines in 1995. The implementation started in 1997 and was eventually expanded to all regions in the country. The health workers were given training on IMCI; these included municipal health officers/rural health physicians, public health nurses, and rural health midwives. In order to sustain the high level of health workers competency in all health care facilities, teaching IMCI in nursing, midwifery, and medical schools was seen as a potential opportunity to broaden health system coverage by IMCI-trained health workers in both government and non-government health facilities. Laying the groundwork for IMCI pre-service education for nursing and midwifery, aMemorandum of Agreement was made and entered into by and between the Departmentof Health, Association of Deans of Nursing and the Association of Philippine Schools of Midwifery, in April 2002. The parties agreed to jointly undertake the project entitled “Enhancing the Nursing and Midwifery Curriculum through the IMCI Strategy.” In 2008, the medical schools finally and have integrated the IMCI Strategy in the medical curriculum.
Philippine Journal of Nursing Education

Primer on the ADPCN Code of Ethics